Theatre Production @The Lost Child Project

HKÉLAN Lost Child Project HK comprising of 11 eclectic programmes, featured dance, theatre, music, martial arts, interactive games and David Glass Master workshops, aimed to rebuild mental health and happiness of young people and adults during critical moment of Hong Kong. Weak Chickens initiated dialogues between youngsters and elderlies, and transformed the conversations into five video productions and one live performance.

《老而不 Stay in Touch 》一群「幼而不」和「老而不」被關一起,日以繼夜、夜以繼日。突然,幼而不打開一個音樂盒,播放一首情歌,老而不站起來,打開禁室大門⋯⋯幾位年輕人走訪素未謀面的中老年人,傾聽他們的寂寞故事,並各自以不同方式作出回應,最後發現彼此的情感是如此相通。來到舞台上,他們期盼再度「觸碰」,在迷失和孤單中學習保持親密。


《Hey my old friend, stay in touch.》We usually describe the elder people as ‘stubborn’, but what about young people, aren’t they not stubborn at all?Local creative lab Weak Chickens and a group of young artists have conducted interviews with middle-aged seniors and collected stories from them. To their surprise, they found that the mentalities of these seniors are somehow similar to their own. Bringing these shared compassions on stage, they wish to connect the old and the young through the power of the arts.

This was a live performance in Tai Kwun & live stream on Tai Kwun website in 2020.

Presented by:  大館 Tai Kwun

Artistic direction and Produced by: O Theatre Workshop

Co-Creation Partner:  Dream of Tomorrow

International Consultant: David Glass Ensemble

Creative Partner:  Weak Chickens