Commissioned by Sau Po Centre on Ageing, HKU

| 2020 謹以此片,獻給每位男性照顧者

| Dedicated to Every Male Family Caregiver

我們致力照顧者研究,希望為不同特點及背景的照顧者,例如男性照顧者提供更全面的政策建議。讓社會可以發展更具性別包容的照顧者政策及支援服務。 謹以此片,獻給每位男性照顧者。衷心感謝支持家庭照顧及作出貢獻的人,包括研究人員、研究參與者,以及機構伙伴。 此動畫影片為研究項目 (項目編號: 2017.A8.076.18B) 之部份,研究項目獲香港特別行政區政府政策創新與統籌辦事處公共政策研究資助計劃撥款資助。

We have been working hard to advocate for a proactive personalized caregiver support agenda in Hong Kong. This film is dedicated to Every Male Family Caregiver. Our heartfelt gratitude to all supporters, our partner instituions, researchers, project participants and NGO partners for their dedicated contributions in family caregiving. This animated video is part of the research project (Project Number: 2017.A8.076.18B) funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme from the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Production: Weak Chickens

Producer: Chan Kwan Yee

Animation Director: Kevin Cheung

Illustrator: Dani Lam